Learn to implement a VirtualProvider with
services in support of a transactional application. A query on the
VirtualProvider displays the data in the Business Explorer in real
How to Implement a Transformation End Routine Learn to use your DataSource to deliver
sales figures for your sales organization as well as for each
employee. Understand the processing steps required in the end
routine of the transformation.
How to Create a Characteristic with Non-generic Text Data Access This document deals with three simple use
cases that cover most of the requirements for characteristics with
non-generic text data access: values and texts of a characteristic
as stored in a Digital Display Indicator Control (DDIC) domain of
the Business Intelligence (BI) system; values and texts of a
characteristic as stored in a simple DDIC table of the BI system;
and values and texts of a characteristic as stored in a more complex
DDIC table of the BI system.
This guide describes an approach that
uses Business Transaction Events (BTEs) to capture updates in a
Business Intelligence (BI) delta queue.
How to Routines within Transformations Learn to use routines within the
transformations of SAP NetWeaver 2004s Business Intelligence in
order to do the following: delete a select number of records;
populate a field; and derive an additional field.
Learn about Business Information Warehouse
(BW) Archiving in version 3.0. The process has three parts: writing
the data, deleting the data, and ensuring the consistency of the
archived data.
Although no SAP ERP application extractor
provides archived data, it is possible to extract some or all of the
archived data via a generic DataSource based on the information
structures of the Archiving Information System (SAP AS). Learn the
step-by-step methods in this paper.
If you design a process chain, yet none
of the SAP-delivered process types provide the functionality you
need, this guide shows you how to implement your own custom process
types based on ABAP object-oriented classes.
How to Trigger an Alert from a Process Chain Learn to incorporate an existing alert
category in a process chain. The alert can be triggered based on the
result of a predecessor process type, and can be implemented as a
customer-defined process type.
Learn to send data from SAP NetWeaver
2004s (Exchange Infrastructure usage type) to SAP NetWeaver 2004s
(Business Intelligence usage type) with full quality of service.
The paper demonstrates how to integrate
user interface (UI) elements between Visual Composer and Web
Application Designer. This concept can be extended to any SAP
toolset, such as Web Dynpro for ABAP, Business Server Pages, or Web
Dynpro for Java.
Learn an easy way to use characteristic
derivation to make a unique identification of the data record,
allowing you to record who entered a data record and when.
This paper describes how the predefined and
delivered class (CL_RSPLFC_BPS_EXITS) can be leveraged to reuse the
business logic implemented as a planning function type exit in
BW-BPS in Business Intelligence Integrated Planning.
When changing rules in one application,
you must adjust the corresponding rules in other applications as
well. This document describes how to make this adjustment
automatically by executing an ABAP program.
Learn about the process of the BW Archiving in 3.0. The process has
three parts: writing the data, deleting the data, and ensuring the
consistency of the archived data.
Learn how BPS variables support different replacement types. The type
exit is described in detail, with examples and stumbling stones to watch
out for.
Learn how to download a master data hierarchy to a flat file. The file
format matches the hierarchy upload format for sorted and time-dependent
hierarchies (IDOC).
Learn how to perform the initial configuration of the SAP BW System to
enable BW web functionality. This will enable you and your BW users to
use a web browser for all BW functions.
Learn a workaround solution for extracting archived data via a generic
Data Source based on the information structures of the Archiving
Information System. The sole prerequisites to use this method are the
availability of the Archiving Information System in the R/3 system and
the functionality of the generic extraction in the R/3 system.
This guide explains the most important settings and procedures when
implementing inventory management scenarios. It focuses on the special
features involved in implementing in the inventory management area with
the use of non-cumulative key figures and the sub-areas that make up the
special features of inventory management scenarios.
Learn how hierarchies are used in BPS and how hierarchies with several
characteristics can be simulated in BPS planning layouts. In BPS, a
planning layout can only show a BW hierarchy in the key column if the
key column contains only one characteristic.
Learn how to implement a Virtual InfoCube with services in support of a
transactional application using services that select the necessary data
and transfers it to the Virtual InfoCube interface.
If you design a process chain, yet none of the SAP delivered process
types provide the functionality you need, this guide shows you how to
implement your own custom process types based on ABAP Object Oriented
Learn how to incorporate a BEx Web Application in a visible manner and
how to locate it in certain areas of the Web Interface. Also explained
in this guide is how BPS Variables can be linked to filter values in
order to synchronize the plan and the reporting view automatically.
Learn how to integrate BEx Web Applications into SAP Solution Manager.
This document also shows how support messages with contextual
information can be created from BEx Web Applications for use with the
SAP Solution Manager.
Learn load balancing approaches for typical SAP BW activities which
process large amounts of data. This paper covers parallel processing
both within one process and across processes.
The Fox formulas are a flexible tool to implement necessary planning
functions, but they cannot reference data directly in order to create
new data. This paper explains why and shows a workaround.
Learn an easy way to use characteristic derivation to make a unique
identification of the data record, allowing you to record who entered a
data record and when.
Learn how to minimize the amount of time and the restrictions that the
initial load causes on the production system. The solution described in
this paper includes only the steps that are absolutely necessary to
execute it in the productive system and to execute the main workload in
a copy.
This guide describes the possible data reconciliation scenarios and the
relevant implementation steps that you can apply in your system to check
whether data is consistent in the SAP source system and SAP BI. In
addition, these scenarios also support you in determining the causes of
data inconsistency.
Learn how to enhance a Web Interface to automatically trigger a global
planning sequence at two times: when the save button is pressed, and
before a layout is executed.
Learn how more and more BI systems are migrated to Unicode. Usually
connections to other Unicode or single-code page systems are fairly
straightforward. However, any legacy MDMP source system is a challenge,
as characters must be converted based on the code page they were entered
This paper describes how to set filter values in BI 3.x. Filter values
address the major limitations of dropdown boxes by allowing the
selection of multiple values and searches by keys or text.
This guide augments existing SAP technical documentation on the general
topics relating to SAP system copies and migrations. The principles in
this paper apply whether the system copy is achieved through backup,
restoration, migration, copying database data files, or any similar
Learn how you can incorporate an existing alert category in a process
chain. The alert can be triggered based on the result of a predecessor
process type and is implemented as a customer-defined process type.
This guide gives you an introduction to how you can work with the PSA
Export DataSource. You can use this DataSource like any other
DataSource: for example, you can use it to read data from the PSA with a
Learn how you can add validation rules for key figure values keyed in
manually. The provided solution is useful for improving the quality of
captured data. As the validation is done within the layout component
itself it has almost no impact on performance.
Learn how to protect data using hierarchy authorizations. The purpose of
the hierarchy is to protect data from leaking, but also to enhance
usability by suppressing irrelevant information.
The solution proposed in this guide allows you display all comments
associated with a planning package. The comments can either be shown as
a list of titles or with the full content of the comments. Optionally,
the assigned characteristic values can be displayed.
Learn how the issues of web printing through Microsoft Excel compare to
the issues of printing from web browsers and the advantages of using
Microsoft Excel.
This paper extends the Open Hub scenario significantly, by providing a
technique which subsequently delivers the extracted dataset to the SAP
NetWeaver PI system (aka XI) in XML format, using a custom process type
that calls an ABAP proxy for data transport.
Learn to send data from XI to BW with full Quality of Service (Exactly
Once In Order). The solution is based on BW 3.5 and XI 3.0 which are
both part of SAP NetWeaver '04.
Learn how to use the Alert Framework, as shipped with SAP Web
Application Server. With just a few steps, alerts generated by SAP BW
exceptions can be routed to the central alert framework of the SAP WAS.
You can choose your own medium for information delivery, like e-mail,
phone, or alert inbox.
Learn how to expose information from a SAP Net Weaver BI query to the
outside world without the consumers of this information having any
knowledge about SAP Net Weaver BI.
How to Monitor Industry-Speak Scenarios Learn about B2B adapters provided by SAP
NetWeaver 2004s Exchange Infrastructure that follow
industry-specific standards: RosettaNet Implementation Framework
(RNIF) adapters for the high-tech industry, based on RosettaNet
protocol RNIF 1.1 and RNIF 2.0; and the Chemical Industry Data
Exchange (CIDX) adapter for the chemical industry, based on RNIF
How to Monitor and Analyze Errors in the SAP J2EE Adapter Engine This guide provides recommendations for the
order in which you should analyze errors; pointers to the individual
tools and assessments for cases in which they are particularly
appropriate; and common error situations and tips on how to handle
With the help of the Queue Prioritization
you can pick important messages and push them to queue XBT1, which
is reserved for these selected messages. Learn exactly how in this
This guide provides recommendations for the
order in which you should analyze errors; pointers to the individual
tools and assessments for cases in which they are particularly
appropriate; and common error situations and tips on how to handle
With the help of the Queue Prioritization
you can pick important messages and push them to queue XBT1, which
is reserved for these selected messages. Learn exactly how in this
Learn how to apply adapter-specific
identifiers, alternative identifiers, and header mapping in order to
configure various Intermediate Document (IDoc) and Exchange
Infrastructure (XI) scenarios.
This guide deals with the processing of
acknowledgment messages for Intermediate Document (IDoc) scenarios
via SAP Exchange Infrastructure (XI).
How to Use the Content Conversion Module with the J2EE JMS Adapter Learn to convert XML files to flat
structures, and vice versa, using the conversion module of the SAP
Exchange Infrastructure (XI) Adapter Framework. The guide also
includes several sample configuration files.
Learn tips and tricks for using the mail
adapter, such as how to send Exchange Infrastructure (XI) messages
to a mail receiver, or how to create XI messages from incoming
How to Work with Java Proxies Learn about using Java proxies to connect
applications with an Exchange Infrastructure (XI) Integration
Learn to use the Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) adapter for sending messages to a Web service, or
providing a Web service for receiving messages.
Learn to send data from SAP NetWeaver 2004s
(Exchange Infrastructure usage type) to SAP NetWeaver 2004s
(Business Intelligence usage type) with full quality of service.
This guide provides recommendations for the
order in which you should analyze errors; pointers to the individual
tools and assessments for cases in which they are particularly
appropriate; and common error situations and tips on how to handle
This guide explains the detailed procedure
of using the transactions for monitoring the Business Process Engine
to display detailed information about the status of a specific
process or its individual steps. The guide also shows you how to use
process monitoring in SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0 (XI) and how
you can access it.
Learn how to create a flat file out of an
IDoc-XML by means of an ABAP mapping program and the J2EE File
Adapter. You will also learn how to create an XI message in IDoc-XML
format starting from a flat file representation of an IDoc.
Learn the ins and outs of Message Level
Security (MLS) between the SAP Partner Connectivity Kit (PCK) and
the Integration Server (IS), part of SAP XI 3.0.
Learn how to configure monitoring for all
SAP XI components. This document also describes best practices for
many configuration topics involving the alert framework.
Learn what the most likely scaled system
architecture looks like, and read about a step by step procedure to
install additional dialog instances. The guide also walks you
through additional configuration steps and the application of
Support Package Stacks.
Learn how to apply adapter-specific
identifiers, alternative identifiers, and header mapping in order to
configure various IDoc-XI scenarios.
How to Correlate JMS Learn to map asynchronous Java Message
Service (JMS) messages to synchronous communication. In general, two
scenarios are considered: sync/ async and async/sync.
This how-to guide deals with the monitoring
concepts that are available for the industry standard adapters
within SAP XI 3.0. The different monitoring concepts are described
in relation to the RNIF 1.1 protocol. However, the concepts are also
applicable to RNIF 2.0 and CIDX.
Learn a step by step solution to develop a
simple Web Service Application using SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
& SAP XI 3.0. This solution details all of the procedures involved
in the process.
Take a step-by-step tour of how a web
service-related scenario is implemented in SAP XI 3.0, from the
creation of entries in the System Landscape Directory through the
configuration of receiver and interface determination in the
Integration Directory.
Learn how to convert XML files to flat
structures and vice versa using the conversion module of the XI
Adapter Framework. The guide also includes several sample
configuration files.
Learn some tips and tricks for using the
mail adapter, such as how to send XI messages to a mail receiver or
how to create XI messages from incoming mails.
Learn tips and tricks for using the Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP), like how to use a SOAP adapter to
connect XI to a web service client or a web service server.
This guide will assist you during error
analysis of the SAP J2EE-based adapter framework. Learn the order in
which you should analyze errors and the tools and assessments
Learn how SAP XI uses the System Landscape
Directory (SLD) for different use cases. This document also
describes two scenarios where you may have a separate SLD.
Learn how the queue prioritization feature
enables you to pick important messages and push them to their own
queue, as well as push messages with low priority into a queue of
their own.
Learn how to install and manage the Change
Management Service (CMS), part of SAP NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure (NWDI). CMS enables you to configure your transport
landscape and manage the transport of objects between different
Learn where, how, and in which order
Software Component Versions (SWCVs) must be changed or replaced to
ensure consistency. This guide describes the main use cases and
provides a step-by-step solution for each one.
Learn how to install additional drivers on
the SAP Web AS J2EE Engine. These drivers are required to
communicate with a database or a messaging system that uses the SAP
XI 3.0 Adapter Framework.
Learn how to plan and introduce CMS in an
SAP XI 3.0 environment. This guide also points out particular issues
you have to consider when setting up and using CMS.
Learn how to configure Single Sign-On. This
guide applies to all SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI)
configuration and administration scenarios using the Integration
Builder and the Runtime Workbench as well as the Partner
Connectivity Kit (PCK).
Learn how to enable ABAP mappings in SAP XI
3.0. It is possible to develop ABAP mappings in addition to the
existing mapping types: message mapping, XSLT mapping and Java
Learn how to create XI Interfaces and use
the SAP Conversion Agent by Item field to automatically create sales
orders in an ERP system to follow a request.
This paper extends the Open Hub scenario
significantly, by providing a technique which subsequently delivers
the extracted dataset to the SAP NetWeaver PI system (aka XI) in XML
format, using a custom process type that calls an ABAP proxy for
data transport.
Learn to send data from XI to BW with full
Quality of Service (Exactly Once In Order). The solution is based on
BW 3.5 and XI 3.0 which are both part of SAP NetWeaver '04.
The Knowledge Management (KM) User Interface
offers a variety of configuration options. This paper focuses on
some basic examples of how to add or remove commands in the menus.
Learn a step-by-step procedure for the
necessary configuration of Last10Documents scenarios. Understand
some considerations for possible enhancements, such as further
configuration settings of the user interface.
Learn to find information about the main steps
in the configuration of the ICE-based functionality. This guide
covers two typical elements of an ICE scenario: the syndicator (the
portal providing the documents), and the subscriber (the portal
receiving the documents). Additionally, the paper covers the online
scenario (a transfer between two up-and-running portals) and the
offline scenario.
Learn the necessary steps to create
language-dependant descriptions by using language bundles for
metadata. This guide also includes a step-by-step example.
This guide provides recommendations that allow
you to improve the performance of Knowledge Management (KM) in SAP
NetWeaver 2004. Find information about performance-optimized KM
configuration, minimal configuration, implementation tips, and a
question-and-answer section.
SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management provides the
option of using properties with interdependent values. This guide
demonstrates how to integrate a new tab listing the "Country" and
"City" properties in the "Details" dialog box for a document.
This guide describes how to create forms using
the XML Forms Builder. Learn to set up basic functionality from
scratch, as well as add more extensive features to forms.
Learn to create an iView in which users can
search for other portal users and their profiles within the user
persistence. This guide also describes how to configure a TREX-based
user search.
This guide describes how to set Access Control
List (ACL) entries on documents automatically, permitting only the
author-owners editing rights. Learn to reduce the administration
effort in a scenario in which multiple authors use multiple folders
to store documents, but need a single view into all documents.
This guide makes recommendations for
configuring search and classification (using TREX 6.1) for efficient
indexing. It covers the following topics: fast initial indexing of
large data sets; fast updating of indexes; and fast index
replication in distributed TREX systems.
This paper covers a step-by-step solution to
semantic search, allowing searches not only by terms, but also by
synonyms. Learn how to use TREX to enable this capability.
This guide will help you troubleshoot the
installation, administration, and configuration of Microsoft
Exchange Connectivity with SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0.
This guide explains how to transport
collaboration room templates and room part templates, which are
based on the standard transport mechanisms provided by SAP
Enterprise Portal.
This guide describes the configurations and
steps required for Ltpatoken-based Single Sign On (SSO) on Lotus
Domino. The SAP Ticket Verifier, which is needed for SSO from
Enterprise portal (EP) to the Domino server, is available only for
the Windows platform.
Learn to create a Web service for Master Data
Management (MDM) using SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio. This document
focuses on the use of Enterprise Java Beans for the generation and
testing of server-side Web services.
How to Generate XSD Schemas from Existing MDM 5.5 Repositories This
guide presents a solution for extracting an XML Schema Definition (XSD)
interface description from an existing Master Data Management (MDM)
repository. This description uses a batch file that reads a repository
structure and generates the corresponding XSD, which can be used later
for defining the XML-based interfaces. All resources and source codes
are included.
Learn to use the Master Data Management (MDM)
Import Manager Batch to apply multiple matching rules to identify
possible duplicated master data records in a repository.
Learn to export the key mapping information from
Master Data Management (MDM) into Exchange Infrastructure (XI) value
mapping tables in order to enable direct communication of business
documents with value transformation between different systems.
This guide discusses common issues encountered
during the use of Import Manager, and provides recommendations for
solving typical problems. The Import Manager tool provides an efficient
user interface to map, match, and load any kind of data source.
Learn to import qualified fields within Master Data
Management (MDM) 5.5. This guide describes the following two procedures:
the process of populating qualified records and the use of Master Data
Management Extension (MDME) Import Manager to open several XML files at
the same time.
This guide outlines the critical steps to follow
during an enterprise-wide SAP Master Data Management (MDM) to Portal
Content Model (PCM) implementation. It describes four primary scenarios
that are part of a complete MDM-PCM rollout.
This guide describes how to set the log file of the
Master Data Management Extension (MDME) client to record warnings in
order to make it easier to track problems that occur in client
operation. This setting is only recommended for cases in which the
client is generating errors.
Learn to transport Visual Composer iViews through your SAP Enterprise
Portal landscape. This guide also discusses how to ensure you've
collected all objects for the Visual Composer iView.
Learn to migrate Workplace 2.11 to SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0 based on
Web Application Server (AS) 6.40. Understand two main scenarios:
Workplace migration with the Workplace Server as the data source for the
User Management Engine (UME) and Workplace migration with the LDAP
directory as the data source for UME.
Learn to maximize the accessibility of the High Contrast Theme by
changing special theme parameters of the user interface elements. Use
High Contrast Theme to offer maximum contrast between the text and its
When using mySAP ERP in conjunction with SAP NetWeaver, you can make the
single and composite roles of your ERP system and its content accessible
through SAP Enterprise Portal. Understand the possibilities for role
upload, and learn to adapt the uploaded roles from the ABAP-based
backend system in the portal environment.
Learn key steps for migrating from Enterprise Portal 5.0 SP6 to SAP
NetWeaver '04.This guide describes detailed procedures required to
migrate content for both the portal and Knowledge Management (KM)
Learn to migrate from Enterprise Portal 6.0 SP2 to SAP NetWeaver '04.
This guide describes detailed procedures required to migrate content for
both the portal and Knowledge Management and Collaboration (KMC)
Using the Portal Content Directory (PCD) Inspector tool, portal
administrators can modify and analyze PCD objects, visualizing the
associated object properties and object dependencies structure.
SAP offers an enterprise portal-based solution for sharing, integrating,
and displaying multi-lingual information located in applications and
persistence layers all over the world. This guide helps you to
understand the concepts behind the current global portal solution of
syndicated content, and learn the requirements and procedures necessary
to implement it.
Learn to develop a portal component that displays a dynamically
propagated tree with the possibility of adding nodes, assigning icons to
the nodes (i.e. directory and file names, database tables and columns,
and XML hierarchy), and assigning client-side events.
Learn to implement the reverse proxy filter and portal gateway in SAP
Enterprise Portal 6.0 on Web Application Server 6.40. This guide also
provides information about the XML elements in the deployment descriptor
file, web.xml, including the specific XML elements that implement the
reverse proxy filter and portal gateway mechanisms in the portal
This guide provides the technical information necessary to retrieve data
from back-end applications using the Distributed Query Engine (DQE). It
gives instruction on query constructs and grammar.
This document provides guidelines for portal administrators and
developers who may need to edit or modify the various aspects of the
framework page and its iViews. It also defines which customization
methods are acceptable and supported by SAP.
Learn about configuration of the tool area iView and modification of its
associated properties.
How to Configure the Universal Worklist
Learn to configure and customize the Universal Worklist (UWL) for
business workflow scenarios. This guide discusses customization of
existing list views, item launch configuration, custom attributes, list
views with custom attributes, decision views, and tailored UWL views.
Learn to enhance performance of SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0 by fine-tuning
the design-time configuration of the portal, the Java 2 Platform,
Enterprise Edition (J2EE) engine, and other related components. Such
configuration can reduce network traffic, round-trip time, and the total
number of round trips.
How to Transport SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0 Content
Learn to design a process that efficiently transports SAP Enterprise
Portal (EP) 6.0 content across system boundaries. This guide explains
the use of the import and export functionality of EP 6.0 on Web
Application Server 6.40.
This guide explains how to fine-tune SAP Enterprise Portal (EP) 6.0 on
Web Application Server 6.40 to optimize performance. Find information on
various performance-tuning processes for operating systems, SAP Web
Application Server (Java), databases, browsers, as well as suggestions
for monitoring the network environment for EP.
How to Setup SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
Permissions & Roles Learn to expand the initial security
configuration of the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
(NWDI), which is done by the template installer during the set-up
phase, and adapt it to your business needs. This guide introduces
additional logical roles for NWDI-based software development,
describes the tasks covered by each role, and explains the needed
This guide provides information about three
different network scenarios involving reverse proxies. Included are
descriptions and instructions that will aid IT personnel in
analyzing the set-up and configuration requirements of their
Learn about the process that enables the
creation of mass content without the use of standard portal wizards
and editors. Advanced users can perform batch operations and make
pinpoint modifications within a large content base.
Enabling User
How to Create a Room Template Learn to configure a room template through a
step-by-step description. Room template structure and best practices
are also covered.
How to Distribute KM Content Using ICE Learn about the main steps in the
configuration of the ICE (Information Content Exchange) protocol.
This guide covers two typical elements of an ICE scenario: the
syndicator (the portal providing the documents) and the subscriber
(the portal receiving the documents).
This guide provides recommendations for
improving the performance of Knowledge Management (KM) in SAP
NetWeaver 2004. Find information on performance-optimized KM
configuration, implementation tips, and a question-and-answer
How to Configure the Who is Who iView Learn to create an iView in which users can
search for other portal users and their profiles within the user
persistence. This guide also describes how to configure a TREX-based
user search.
How to Configure Predefined Properties with Dependent Values SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management provides
the option of using properties with interdependent values. This
guide demonstrates how to integrate a new tab listing the "Country"
and "City" properties in the "Details" dialog box for a document.
This guide describes how to start working with
the SAP NetWeaver development infrastructure. It discusses the flow
of defining a new product with software component(s), the
configuration of tracks for development, and descriptions of how to
work in the component model with the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
This guide demonstrates how the SAP Web
Dispatcher can be configured if Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is
involved. All demos and examples make use of the SAP Web Application
Server 6.40 Java, but most are also valid for SAP Web Application
Server 6.40 ABAP.
You are using the SAP XI 3.0 / PI 7.0 J2EE JDBC Adapter and would
like to use a Type 2 Native JDBC Driver to connect to your database.
If you just install the native DLLs / shared objects of your Type 2
JDBC driver into a directory in your operating system's search path, you
might receive the following error:
java.sql.SQLException: java.lang. UnsatisfiedLinkError:
Native Library <Path>\<NativeLibrary>.dll already loaded in another
A special deployment mechanism is required to install a Type 2 JDBC
driver for the use with the SAP XI 3.0 / PI 7.0 J2EE JDBC Adapter.
For general information about how to deploy JDBC drivers to be used
to connect to a database using the SAP XI 3.0 / PI 7.0 J2EE JDBC
Adapter, please refer to the XI configuration guide, chapter "External
Drivers for the JDBC and JMS Adapters". Additionally, a document "How To
Install and Configure External Drivers for JDBC & JMS" is available at
http://service.sap.com/nw-howtoguides -> "Exchange Infrastructure".
When deploying a Type 2 JDBC driver, the following procedure needs to
be applied in addition to the steps outlined in the above documents. Any
sample file referenced in the instructions below is included in a ZIP
file named Note_850116_Examples.zip, which has been attached to this
1. Determine, which native
DLLs/shared objects are required by your Type 2 JDBC driver. If in
doubt, please contact the vendor of your JDBC driver.
2. Create a file named
SearchRules.xml built after the attached example file.
3. For each native
library, you will need to add a <native-part> section to the
<native-parts> section of the SearchRules.xml XML structure, i.e. there
will be multiple <native-part> elements below the <native-parts> element
if you need to reference multiple native libraries.
4. Each <native-part>
section contains additional <path> elements for every platform you want
to supply a native library for. Any path element has three attributes:
"platform", "jvm-bitlength" and "supported".
a) The "platform"
attribute identifies the operating system platform for which you want to
supply a native library. For a list of available platform identifiers,
please refer to the attached sample SearchRules.xml.
b) The optional attribute
"jvm-bitlength" describes the bitlength of the JVM, for which the
library can be used. It has to be specified only, if there are different
versions for 32 and 64 bit.
c) The "supported"
attribute indicates whether you have supplied a native library for a
certain platform. If have done so, please set this attribute's value to
"true", otherwise to "false".
d) Provide the native
library's file name as the value of the <path> XML element.
e) An example path
element for a native library named "NativeLibrary.dll" for a 32 bit JVM
running on a Microsoft Windows operating system would look like this:
<path platform="ntintel" jvm-bitlength="32"
5. Add the SearchRules.xml
file you created to the META-INF directory of the
aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda you already created according to the
documentation in section 3.1 of the "How To Install and Configure
External Drivers for JDBC & JMS" guide.
6. Add all native library
files referenced in your SearchRules.xml file to a directory named
"OS_libs" within your aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda SDA.
The resulting directory and file structure within the SDA should look
similar to the one documented in the attached screenshot "SDA
7. Deploy the resulting
aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda using SDM as documented in section 3.2 of the
"How To Install and Configure External Drivers for JDBC & JMS" guide.
8. After the deployment is
complete, please manually stop and start your J2EE server using the SAP
Management Console (under Microsoft Windows) or the stopsap / startsap
commands (under Unix). This step is mandatory, the restart triggered by
the SDM when deploying the aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda is not sufficient
to deploy the files listed in OS_libs.
XI 3.0 JDBC Adapter: Rollback not performed on DB error
You are using the SAP XI 3.0 JDBC Receiver Adapter to connect to a
JDBC-compliant relational database. Autocommit is disabled for your
receiver channel. Nevertheless, if you send an XML document containing
multiple query/DML statements to the adapter and at least one of these
statements fails (e.g., due to a constraint violation), the changes made
by the other statements contained in your message are not rolled back
Other terms
Adapter Framework, JDBC, SQL, Rollback, XI
Reason and Prerequisites
The problem appears only with certain JDBC driver implementations.
Connections to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 are not affected.
The problem is corrected with patch 1 for Support Package 11 of the
XI ADAPTERFRAMEWORK CORE 3.0 software component.
Import the relevant SAPXIAFC11P_1.SCA archive for SAP Exchange
Infrastructure XI 3.0 as described in the NetWeaver 04 Support Package
For Netweaver '04, the archive and the guide are located on the SAP
Service Marketplace under the alias "/nw04" -> "Support Package Stacks
XI 3.0 JDBC Receiver: # of Retries on SQL Error w/o Effect
You have configured a SAP XI 3.0 J2EE JDBC Adapter receiver channel
with the Advanced Mode parameter "Number of Retries of Database
Transaction on SQL Error" set to a value greater than zero.
Nevertheless, the database transaction is not repeated immediately
after an error has occurred, but the message enters the normal retry
cycle instead.
Other terms
XI30, Adapter Framework, no Of Retries
Reason and Prerequisites
Program error.
The problem is corrected with patch 6 for Support Package 11 and
patch 1 for Support Package 12 of the XI ADAPTERFRAMEWORK CORE 3.0
software component.
Import the relevant SAPXIAFC11P_6.SCA / SAPXIAFC12P_1.SCA archive for
SAP Exchange Infrastructure XI 3.0 as described in the NetWeaver 04
Support Package Stack Guide.
Netweaver '04, the archive and the guide are located on the SAP Service
Marketplace under the ali
The IBM Lotus Domino Driver for JDBC is a JDBC 1.0 driver.
Consequently, it is not compatible with the SAP XI JDBC Adapter, which
is designed to interact with JDBC drivers that implement version 2.0 or
higher of the JDBC specification.
The driver is also known to cause various problems during runtime, such
as that the SAP WebAS J2EE Engine regularly freezes and any attempt to
diagnose the problem by creating a Java thread dump is silently ignored
by the Java Virtual Machine.
2. Oracle JDBC OCI & Thin Driver 8.1.x
3. Oracle JDBC OCI & Thin Driver 9.0.x
The driver does not support JDK 1. 4, which is used by the
SAP WebAS J2EE runtime. If connecting to Oracle 8i 8.1.7 or higher, use
the JDK 1.4 version of the Oracle Database 10g 10.2.x driver instead.
Connections to older Oracle database releases are not supported. For
details, refer to Oracle MetaLink note # 203849.1.
4. Oracle JDBC OCI & Thin Driver 9.2.x
5. Oracle Database 10g 10.1.x JDBC Driver
The JDK 1.1.x, 1.2 and 1.3 versions (classes111. zip,
classes12.zip, classes12.jar) of the driver are not compatible with the
SAP XI JDBC Adapter. Use the JDK 1.4 driver (ojdbc14.jar) instead. For
details, refer to Oracle MetaLink note # 203849.1.
Invoking Oracle stored procedures from within a JDBC sender channel is
not supported as Oracle does not return a ResultSet in response to the
6. Oracle Database 10g 10.2.x JDBC Driver
The JDK 1.1.x, 1.2 and 1.3 versions (classes111. zip,
classes12.zip, classes12.jar) of the driver are not compatible with the
SAP XI JDBC Adapter. Use the JDK 1.4 driver (ojdbc14.jar) instead. For
details, refer to Oracle MetaLink note # 203849.1.
Invoking Oracle stored procedures from within a JDBC sender channel is
only possible for Oracle DBMS versions >= 10.2.x using so-called table
---------- pkg1 ----------
END pkg1;
-- FUNCTION f1 returns a collection of elements (1,2,3,... x)
FOR i IN 1..x LOOP
END pkg1;
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