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SAP AG.co in Will Give information of SAP related meterials Like SAP Platform and Operation,,SAP Security , SAP Enterprise Portal (EP), ,SAP Knowledge Management (KW), SAP Business Intelligence (BI), Exchange Infrastructure (XI),Application Server, Mobile (MI), Master Data Management MDM, Composit Appications Frame work,Web Dynpros,OOPABAP,Blog,Intergration Bulder, Integration Repository (IB),Integration Directory (ID).System Landscape Directory (SLD), And Adopter Configuration like File to File,File to JDBC, File to IDoc, File Content Convertion, RFC, HTTP,SOAP,XI Interview Questions,Xi Sertification Questions, and many more about SAP Netweaver Platform XI Training And Tutorial and XI interview Questions ..
SAP Exchange Infrastructure Tutorials SAP XI Exercises BPM collect pattern Exercise 6 – Business Process Management – Collect master records Container Operation step – this step will increase the loop counter (“counter = counter +1”). Step Name: “increment counter” Target: “counter” (simple variable) Operation: “Assign” Expression: “counter” (simple variable) Operator: “+” Expression: “1” (constant – type xsd:integer) Container Operation step – this step will append the newly received IDoc to the list of IDocs already collected. A multiline container is used for this purpose. (“Append CREMAS_single to CREMAS_multi”). Step Name: “Append IDoc to list” Target: “CREMAS_multi” (Interface variable) Operation: “Append” Expression: “CREMAS_single”. Transformation step – this step occurs outside the loop. It will call the N:1 mapping which will create the IDoc package. Step Name: map IDocs to package Interface mapping: CREMAS_multi__package Source message: CREMAS_multi Target message: CREMAS_package Send step – this step will send the package of IDoc to the R/3 system Step Name: Send CREMAS package Mode: Asynchronous Message: CREMAS_package Acknowledgement: none Receiver from: send context The completed business process diagram should look like this:
Check the process (F7) and save Activate all Repository objects Step 3 – Directory Create a new communication channel File_sender_collect for business system XIWS_Legacy_BS_[XX]. Copy communication channel File_sender to File_sender_collect. Change the source directory to D:/workshop/group[XX]/collect Create a business process object CREMAS_collect_package (under Service without Party). In this step import the business process created in the repository. Use the wizard and select your business process. Note the signature of the process (interfaces are listed under the sender and receiver tab) We will create 2 receiver determinations: file sender à BPM and BPM à IDoc receiver. file sender à BPM Create the receiver determination from file sender to BPM with the following sender information: Service: XIWS_legacy_BS_[XX] Outbound Interface: Vendor_out_collect (urn:xiworkshop:group[XX]:legacy) Complete the receiver determination and interface determination as follows: Receiver service: CREMAS_collect_package (your BPM object) Inbound interface: CREMAS Interface mapping: Vendor_out__CREMAS03_abstract Notice that no receiver agreement or communication channel in necessary when BPM is used as a receiver BPM à IDoc receiver Sender service: CREMAS_collect_package Outbound interface: CREMAS_package Receiver service: <select the Business System for the R/3 client> Inbound interface: CREMAS.CREMAS03 Interface mapping: none
Note that the IDoc adapter will lookup the logical system name of the sender from the SLD. In this case the sender of the message is the BPM process ‘CREMAS_collect_package'. This would lead to an error at runtime since there is no corresponding entry in the SLD. The solution is to overwrite the sender service name using the header mapping functionality. * Note: in the current version of XI3.0 SP1, there are bugs in this particular area of the user interface. The instructor will give precise instructions on how to perform these steps. In the ‘Header Mapping' section, check ‘Sender Service'. From the drop-down list, select the original sender ‘XIWS_legacy_BS_[XX]'. Create a sender agreement for service XIWS_legacy_BS_XX and interface Vendor_out_collect. Select communication channel File_sender_collect. Activate all objects Step 4 – Test For convenience reasons, we will first use the plain HTTP client in order to send three separate XML messages successively From the plain HTTP client, send the first XML message as follows: Sender Service: XIWS_legacy_BS_[XX] Sender Interface: Vendor_out_collect Interface Namespace: urn:xiworkshop:groupXX:legacy QoS: EO As payload, please cut and paste the contents of the file Vendor[XX].xml used in a previous exercise. Examine your message in transaction SXMB_MONI. Notice that the message was sent to the process engine, and that the status of the workflow is ‘in process'. Drill down to the workflow details Display the workflow log Display the technical details of the workflow log Display the graphical details of the workflow log Send a second and a third message (using the same zipcode). Notice that the process is now in state ‘COMPLETED' and that a new message containing the IDoc package was sent to the R/3 system. Check in the R/3 system that 3 IDocs were posted. (optional) Re-test using the sender file adapter and your folder \\<hostname>\workshop\group[XX]\collect . Appendix: naming conventions and terminology Exercise 5
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