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SAP Netweaver Master Data Management 5.5 Overview
So as I mentioned before the MDM5.5 product can handle both PCM and MDM scenarios, I want to talk about the MDM scenario and leave the PCM to some other time. As mentioned above in order to mange Master Data I need to have a tool that will enable me to:
• Define a generic/flexible data model
• Import master data from different sources
• Manage my Master Data cross organization (find duplicates , find similarities ,define transformation rules, etc)
• Maintain the Master Data in the most efficient way through out the company.
• Support personalized access to Master Data according to end user profile (language, search behavior, data interest, etc )
• Synchronize the Master Data with different systems holding equivalent information.
• Provide scalable solution that can hold large scale of Master Data.
• Provide fast access to the data (especially when it comes to large number of records)
• Provide access to the Master Data information from applications (new and old)
The MDM5.5 product enables all the above and more together with the NetWeaver platform you are getting a robust MDM solution that can solve almost any Master Data scenario you have in your company. I will not go into the details (maybe in future weblogs) but just want to introduce you with the MDM5.5 building blocks and their part in the show. In the picture below we can see the MDM5.5 architecture and main components:

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