User Interface Strategy - Slides Presentation(PPT 658 KB)
The area of User Interface experience and developer tools are quickly changing and often expanding. We are beginning to see the user expectations from working with the consumer web extend into the world of enterprise applications. In this session, we want to give everyone an overview of the SAP User Interface Strategy focusing on the all three layers of the User Interface – UI Infrastructure, UI Services, and Clients/Access Channels. We will also see roadmap details for tools like Web Dynpro and SAP NetWeaver Business Client.23 Jul 2009
Totals in Adobe Forms Article(PDF 592 KB)
This tutorial explains a step-by-step procedure to display subtotals and grand totals in Adobe print forms by using scripting language Form calc and handling events in Adobe forms.17 Jul 2009
Transport Management for Enhanced LO Datasources Article(PDF 344 KB)
This document describes the steps for transporting the enhanced LO Datasources. When enhancements are made to a datasource already in use, certain steps are to be taken into consideration while transporting such a datasource, from one landscape to another (ie. From Development to Quality and Production).15 Jul 2009
Adaptive Enabling a “hello world” SAP System under Windows/MSSQL/NetApp Article(PDF 1 MB)
In this paper we will provide guidance in setting up an “adaptive enabled” landscape when the managed OS is Windows. We will use the installation of a adaptive enabled 7.11 ABAP system as guidance through the general problem. In the end we will guide you through a “by hand” scenario that allows you to test the ability to relocate your system. That scenario should in principle always be executed before you start to manage an adaptive enabled SAP system by the ACC. The paper can be seen as a set of governance rules for an adaptive Windows landscape.13 Jul 2009
Test Driven Development in ABAP using RUnit or RSpec Article(PDF 122 KB)
This paper introduces a new way of applying Test Driven Development to ABAP programming. It demonstrates how to leverage RUnit and RSpec, both technologies from the Ruby world, to implement Test Driven and Behavior Driven Development in the ABAP world.09 Jul 2009
Minimizing Downtime for Software Maintenance - Slides Presentation(PDF 7 MB)
This session will provide you with facts and features about the built-in downtime optimization features of latest SAP NetWeaver software maintenance tools. Topics discussed in this session will include patches, enhancement package installer, upgrade technologies, and future directions. In addition, this session will discuss and recommend use of best practices.09 Jul 2009
How to Handle ABAP Function Parameters in Java Article(PDF 116 KB)
This article will help you understand the ways in which you can handle and use the import and export parameters of an ABAP function module (RFC-enabled) in your Java code. This will help you in interacting with ABAP with simple JCo calls and teach you how to use the different types of ABAP function module parameters in Java. This article is written from a Java perspective and teaches how to handle the different types of values passed and returned to/from an ABAP function module in Java.09 Jul 2009
ABAP Code Refactoring Techniques Article(PDF 1 MB)
The paper explains Code Refactoring Techniques based on code examples written in ABAP Objects Language06 Jul 2009
Data Selection Types In InfoPackage Article(PDF 321 KB)
The objective of this paper is to explain the use of Data Selection Types in InfoPackage which allows extracting the data selectively according to user requirement.03 Jul 2009